View the Call to Action here
Please endorse by sending an email with name, organization and contact information to: JobsConference [at] njfac.org
Our conference organizing committee is in formation and includes a broad range of community, religious and labor groups, and groups that work to meet infrastructure and public service needs. (See list of initial endorsers in conference description.)
We welcome other groups to support the conference as co-convenors or supporting organizations.
The National Jobs for All Coalition, the conference's initial convenor and sponsor, is committed to building a new movement for full employment at livable wages. This goal unites a diverse group of otherwise divided, single-issue constituencies. The Coalition includes individuals and organizations with a wide range of interests--workers', women's, children's and seniors' rights, civil rights, and economic justice. Others work on health care, the environment, economic conversion, are academics, social workers and lawyers, artists or simply concerned individuals. The goals of all of us would be easier to reach if there were jobs for all at decent wages.
National Jobs for All Coalition
c/o Council on International & Public Affairs [CIPA]
777 United Nations Plaza, Suite 3C
New York, NY 10017
Phone: 212-972-9879
Fax: 212-972-9878
Email: JobsConference [at] njfac.org
Web: http://www.jobsconference.org/
Web: http://www.njfac.org/
Blog: http://www.drivefordecentwork.org/